Program Years: 2001 -2006
- During this program year, GWWN continued to provide professional services
although it was without a full Executive Board
- Mentored and coached members, guests and college students in various disciplines
- Provided resources and referral information to callers from the program line and the web site
- Supported members activities
- Frances Simpson earned a B.A. degree in Business Management and Information Technology
- During this program year, GWWN continued to provide professional services although it was without a full Executive Board
- Mentored and coached members, guests and college students in various disciplines
- Provided resources and referral information to callers from the program line and the web site
- Supported members activities

2003-2004 PROGRAM YEAR
- GWWN and the International Empowerment Women’s Network (IEWN) co-joined boards and partnered in planning events for the program year
- GWWN completed the initiative to host five monthly events during this program year, and collaborated with IEWN to host bimonthly events. Members of both organizations were able to broaden their networking base and participated in a variety of monthly topics
- Management by objectives initiatives for the program year- planned, completed, and distributed to members by the first event in September 2003
- Program calendar of monthly speakers completed by October 2003
- Hosted five monthly events on the following topics:
- September 11, 2003 - Mission: Employment Possibilities (Tips for seeking employment, interviewing skills, resume preparation and more).
- November 13, 2003 - From Fear to Fabulous (Techniques for establishing vision and purpose)
- December 11, 2003 Holiday Gala Celebration: Relate, Relax and Release – hosted by GWWN and IEWN
- February 12, 2004 – Effective Tax Accounting for Business and personal Results (Be educated about the tax laws that are beneficial for tax breaks)
- April 8, 2004 - Networking is an Art (Effective networking techniques can be learned– enhance your skills)
- June 10, 2004 – The Art of Public Speaking (Public Speaking skills are useful in daily conversation, learn how)
- Mentored and coached members and college students in various disciplines
- Supported members activities
- Hosted professional events and provide services to members and guests without our own Executive Board this program year
- The event sponsors/hosts were Robert Half International Inc., Office Team, and Elegance with a Flair
- GWWN greatly appreciated volunteers and members assistance with various activities in the organization. GWWN could not have achieved its goals without them. Special tributes go to Shirley Archer-Pearson, IEWN Executive Director, Cheryl Blount, Jenifer Golson, Frederick Isler, and Sherreen Ogletree, Advisor to the Board, for their commitment, leadership, and teamwork spirit.
- GWWN developed the second resource manual. This document included the program initiatives, services, and guidelines for program activities and achievements
- Management by objectives initiatives and objectives for the program year- planned, completed, and distributed to members by the first event in September 2002
- Program calendar of monthly speakers completed by October 2002
- Hosted four monthly events and one professional enhancement luncheon on the following topics:
- September 12, 2002 - The Humor in Networking
- October 19, 2002 - Business and Technology: New Trends and New Money October 24, 2002 - Professional enhancement luncheon, Table topic: Dealing with Life's Changes, held at the Market Inn, Washington, DC
- November 14, 2002 - The Importance of Professional Development
- December 12, 2002 - Holiday Gala Celebration: Relate, Relax, Release
- Mentored and coached members and college students in various disciplines
- Conducted several Executive Board meetings
- The event sponsors/hosts were The Adams National Bank, Laurent Ross, Calvert Group, the Charles Sumner School and Elegance with a Flair
- Members and volunteers assisted with various activities in the organization which was greatly appreciated. GWWN could not have achieved its goals without them. A special tribute goes to Michelle Coley, Director of Marketing and Sherreen Ogletree, Advisor to the Board, for commitment, leadership and teamwork spirit.
- A bi-annual report was created for this program year

- A first for GWWN was to embrace the management by objectives concept to develop and implement program initiatives for the program year
- GWWN developed the first resource manual. This document included the program initiatives, services, and guidelines for program activities and achievements
- An annual report, entitled 2001-2002 Year-End-Review Report, was created for the first time at the end of the program year. Copies were disseminated to members, guests, donors, and other organizations
- GWWN awarded its first academic scholarship
- Developed and implemented the first Leadership Achievement Awards Program
(Including endorsing NAFE awards)
- Crown Volunteer Program
- Women of Champion Awards
- Booster Incentive Awards
- Network Innovation Certificate of Excellence (NICE) Awards (NAFE)
- Women of Excellence Awards (NAFE)
- Women Helping Women Awards (NAFE)
Two nominees: Sherreen Ogletree and Mary Greene
- Hosted the “First Leadership Achievement Award Program” on May 9, 2002, with thirty-four awards given to recipients
GWWN partnered with the International Empowerment Women’s Network, (IEWN),
NAFE’s Virginia chapter
- Demonstrated appreciation to members throughout the year at the monthly events, and special announcements via the GWWeNet – Members’ Birthdays shared on the monthly events program agenda and promoted members businesses via the GWWeNet
- Hosted the first quarterly networking luncheon to attract women for greater network enhancement and awareness: lunch dates- November 14, 2001, February 14, 2002, and June 26, 2002; Location: Nick and Stef’s Steakhouse, Washington, DC
- Hosted the Annual Open House and Member Trade Exhibition which provided GWWN an opportunity to share its benefits and members to showcase their businesses and services.
- Strengthened communication to members via GWWeNet regarding important information and resources: Created the first program calendar and disseminated to members and guests, shared events/resources with other organization and highlights of monthly events
- Promoted members’ businesses and career ventures via GWWeNet, monthly events and referrals (word-of-mouth)
- Implemented the first Telephone Calling Tree which was shared at monthly events and encouraged members/and host to share GWWN with others
- Promoted and strengthened, educational programs, training and employment opportunities
- Kept members abreast of on-going educational and training opportunities sponsored by other organizations and associations via GWWeNet and monthly-meetings
- Posted job announcements from private sector and government
- Provided resource information at monthly meetings - usually hand-outs
- Strengthened and developed partnerships with three organizations and associations: 1. The Women Business Center, 2. Business Network Institute (BNI), 3. The International Empowerment Women’s Network (IEWN)
- GWWN and members provided financial assistance to three agencies: 1. American Red Cross for the September 11th victims, 2. American Stroke Association, and 3. The Thurgood Marshall Child Development Center. Carroll Manor Nursing and Rehabilitation Center was identified as the facility for volunteer services. Unfortunately, the center was unable to use our service at that time
- The monthly event speaker’s program calendar was completed by January 2002. This was achieved by a joint effort with the Executive Board and the members. The September 13, 2001 monthly event was cancelled due to the world tragedy -9/11
- Developed and distributed Sponsorship packages. The majority of donations received came from word-of-mouth solicitation
- GWWN hosted one fundraising event in February 2002, which was an executive dinner seminar. The topic was Learn How to Legally and Financially Protect Yourself, Family, and Business
- Held the annual election and selected the Executive Board
- The hosts/sponsors who made a difference were The Adams National Bank and Elegance with a Flair
- Jenifer Golson received certification as Certified Public Accountant (CPA), 2001