Program Year: 2007-2008

Theme:  I CAN DO IT!

GWWN continues to build momentum as we step up to the challenges of upholding our leadership and membership to GWWN’s mission, focus on establishing timeless connections and sustaining resources to promote women. We are changing lives!

  • Redesigned GWWN web site. Invited 7 guest speakers to monthly networking sessions.

  • Hosted a Leadership & Award Program including 2 academic scholarships.

  • Sponsored 10 monthly networking sessions.

  • Initiated a volunteer recruitment campaign.

  • Partnered with Idealist, VolunteerMatch and Guidestar to recruit volunteers.

  • Increased volunteer coordination and participation.

  • Sponsored and mentored Marymount University intern.

  • Developed new collateral for GWWN communications and marketing.

  • Acknowledged by and the Washington Mystics for leadership in community.

  • Attended Office of Partnerships and Grant Development, Executive Office of the Mayor, Strengthening Partnership Initiatives non-profit leadership training program.

  • Supported local, national, and internationally-focused community service programs- American Heart Association, CARE: I AM POWERFUL, Saint Gabriel Sodality, DC (Saint Ann’s Infant Maternity Home), Suited for Change, United Nation of Individuals Fighting Impossibilities, Incorporated (UNIFII) and Historical Black College Universities (HBCU) National Choir.

Member Achievements

Cheryl Blount
Launched a business: Cheraty Administrative Services
Aspen Institute/ Women in Management & Business-Panelist

Mary Greene
Recipient of Washington Mystics and Uptown ScoopAll-Stars Ward
Aspen Institute/ Women in Management & Business- Panelist


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Site designed & created by Judith Desplechin