Greater Washington Women's Network

P O Box 65532
Washington, DC 20035

Program Information Line


2006-2007 Program Year

June 14, 2007

What a magnificent and beautiful way to end the program year with three essential activities that empowered members and guests: Strengthening One’s Foundation to Achieve Greatness, a recognition and awards celebration, and elections. Following is a summary:

Strengthening One’s Foundation to Achieve Greatness

Strengthening one’s foundation to achieve greatness implies that you have already achieved some form of greatness.  Our speaker, Renata “Toni” Roy, founder of Progressive Partners Achieving Solutions, Inc. and ACCESS Consortium, stated, “The strengthening of your foundation to achieve greatness does not begin with what you know, but begins with confirming and understanding your identity, building your self-esteem, validating your vision and voice to influence others.  Greatness is an evolution.  Within your foundation, you must have elements to support the development of greatness: desire, belief, focus, commitment, and dedication.”

Toni shared that success is a supporting element for achieving greatness, and the top rung of the ladder is greatness.  Since greatness is developed from the inside out, there must be balance that incorporates nine mental strategies: 1) deep spiritual beliefs, 2) an “I can” attitude, 3) vision, 4) passion, 5) courage, 6) character, 7) competence, 8) self-confidence, and 9) discipline.

Toni stated, “Greatness is your choice to elevate your life goals and purpose to various degrees/levels.  Upon making the choice, one must respond.   Shakespeare said it well: “Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.”

Recognition and Awards Celebration

GWWN recognized volunteers and members for the program year. We couldn’t have done it without you.

The 2007-2008 elections were held.

May 10, 2007

Success is a Balancing Act: How to enjoy greater success with less stress

At this event, Community Services Manager, Cheryl Butler gave a progress report of the community projects GWWN sponsored this program year.  One of the projects is UNIFI (United Nation of Individuals Fighting Impossibilities), a non-profit organization focusing on youth empowerment. Participants at this event contributed more than $200 to help GWWN support this project.  GWWN will contribute additional funds and present UNIFI with a check, recognizing those who gave.  We thank you for your contributions.  Every dollar counts and you will make a major difference in others’ lives.

Margie Warrell told attendees that success is a balancing act.  She was energetic, inspiring, and provided sound advice.  Margie stressed that we should not expect to be perfect.  While it is good to set professional goals and achieve them, if we do not reach those goals at the level we anticipate, we should be thankful for what we did achieve.  Margie stated we should do our best in any task and not be hard on ourselves.  We are achievers.  Each day we should acknowledge our accomplishments.

Margie left us with this thought: “Success is not a place at which we arrive, but the spirit in which we pursue the journey.  By walking the daily balancing act toward goals that inspire us mindfully and courageously, we can enjoy truly successful lives.”

April 12, 2007 

Healthy and Wise: Wellness Counts -- Women’s health starts with hormonal balancing

Thurman Watson, D.O., licensed naturopath, stated we cannot be effective without good health. He stated that proper hormonal balance can improve many physical, emotional, and sexual dysfunctions experienced by women of all ages.  Thurman’s presentation was educational, encouraging, and exciting. Thurman shared his patients’ success stories.  His presentation is one we wish everyone could hear.  It could save and prolong life. The audience shared some personal stories about how this information could have helped them in the past.  Other participants shared that they will spread the word about natural alternative therapies.  The second and last topic of the year, Tax Updated for the Year 2006 Filing for Individuals and Businesses, was presented by Jenifer Golson, our treasurer and CPA.  Jenifer’s information was profound, and we used it for tax filing this year.

March 8, 2007

GWWN shares feedback from the March 8th event on two wonderful topics.Business CertificationThings I Wish They Would Have Told Me: Preparing to Get SBA 8(a)/SBD Certification This seminar was tailor-made for owners of small, disadvantaged companies who want to do business with federal and state governments.

Sherreen Ogletree, CEO of Wiltech Systems Group, Inc., gave an overview of Small Business Administration (SBA) programs and shared her experience with the certification process. Sherreen stressed the importance of organizing your paperwork to be submitted for review. Organization is the key to making the process run smoothly and efficiently.

Participants received a very informative handout that included eligibility requirements, SBA forms, resource information, and a checklist for preparing your application.  A miscellaneous category included items needed but not included on the government form.  Your package for review should be presented in a detailed binder with an appropriate labeling system.  If something is not applicable, place a blank sheet in the package stating so.  Many people who submit packages for certification overlook this component.

You must have a business plan before your certification is approved, as well as a resume that includes your management, technical, and business experience.  This resume is different from the one you submit for a job.

Ms. Ogletree stated that once you receive your federal certification, the state process is easier. Because yearly updates are required and necessary to take you to the next level, you should save your paperwork.  If you are just starting a business, this is a great opportunity to get everything in order.

As a bonus to the event, one attendee stated she awards grants to businesses with these certifications. Tax Seminar

Jenifer Golson, CPA and treasurer of GWWN, presented her second seminar on IRS tax tips and information.  Jenifer shared three IRS tax rules and regulations the IRS has extended because the rules were not included on the IRS tax forms:

State and Local General Sales Taxes: Taxpayers can elect to deduct state and local general sales taxes instead of state and local income taxes.  This tax primarily benefits people who live in states that do not have an income tax.  Nine states do not pay state income tax.

Higher Education Tuition and Fees Deduction: This tax provision also expired at the end of 2005 but was extended by IRS in December 2006.  If you paid qualified tuition and fees for your child, yourself, or your spouse from an eligible institution, this is still deductible.

Educator Expenses Deduction: Out-of-pocket classroom expenses for educators are still deductible.

Participants received a very informative handout that includes these tax issues and other issues under appeal

February 8, 2007

Share your Successes, Challenges, and Stories from 2006 to Enrich Others: An Open Forum

How often do we get an opportunity to share our successes or have the courage to share our challenges?  This event helped participants to see that others experience many of the same challenges.  Attendees were empowered to hear others' success stories, and participants learned the importance of networking.

Jenifer Golson, Treasurer and CPA, shared information on tax updates for 2006 for individuals and businesses, as well as new tax changes.

January 11, 2007

What Every Woman Should Know About Financial Wealth

Is your dream to enjoy the privileges of financial wealth?  Are you hoping to be wealthy, or are you planning for wealth?  There is a difference.
Alice Guo, financial advisor and CPA, gave a presentation that was profound, refreshing, and educational.  She shared valuable principles and strategies to help us achieve financial freedom. One principle is commitment. It is important to write your plan.  We should ask ourselves if we want a retirement plan or financial freedom.

Alice’s personal story was moving and encouraging.  She quoted her grandmother’s guiding principle, “Always keep your hands on the money.”  This has several positive meanings.  Women may not be aware of their financial status but with a little education and proactive action, we can achieve our goals.

Alice’s last words of advice were to educate ourselves about finances, write a plan, re-focus, and be committed.  It is never too late to plan.  Alice showed us how to begin the New Year with a fresh perspective on our finances.

December 14, 2006

GWWN’s Holiday Gala Celebration: Relate, Relax, and Release

The ambiance at this gala was joyful, holiday-scented, and relaxing.  The event exceeded participants’ expectations.  Attendees stated, “I’ve never experienced anything like this!” and “Wow! Tonight was breathtaking!”
The holiday spirit was alive throughout this event.  Upon entering the suite, guests were welcomed with illuminated lights; a warm, cozy seating area; and the melodic sound of holiday music.  These elements drew guests from the Midnight Lounge into the Enlightenment Hall.
The food was delicious, and holiday cheers included door prizes, gifts, toasts, and well-wishes.  There was time to exchange ideas, establish business relationships, and promote businesses and ventures.

November 9, 2006

Business Sense: Transitioning From a Job into Business or Taking Your Current Business to the Next Level

Marilyn Dawson, RN, master esthetician, and president and CEO of Special Care Retreat Spa in Bowie, Maryland, was the speaker for GWWN’s November Networking Program.  Ms. Dawson has more than 15 years of professional business experience. Here are some highlights:
  1. Ask yourself why you want to start a business or change careers.  Is it something you have a passion about and can defend?  People will discourage you.  Be ready to inspire them with your ideas.
  2. Are you prepared to start now?  Examine your personality, lifestyle, finances, wants, and desires.  Get your credit report every six months.
  3. Develop a business plan, and keep it updated.  A business plan is the roadmap for your success.  Visit the Small Business Administration, and seek guidance.  One-on-one personal contact is best.
  4. Identify a mentor or people who are business and career-minded.
  5. Consider the life cycle of the business.  How long do you plan to be in business? Will you sell the business?
  6. Launch a date.  It is not a business until you get started.
  7. Enjoy your business.  Be proud of what you are doing and the impact it is making on others.
    Everyone can apply good business sense, even those who do not wish to become successful business owners.
    Starting a business or expanding your current business can be a wonderful, rewarding experience if you plan well and understand the dynamics of a business.

October 12, 2006

Networking Tactics That Drive Success

Staffing Executive Esther Brickner of Robert Half International, Inc. spoke about Networking Tactics That Drive Success.  Esther Brickner’s presentation included information about why networking is critical, strategies that work, approaching the function, perfecting your elevator pitch, developing a plan, and building your network.

Evita Griby from Suited for Change and Amanda Stephenson from UNIFI, United Nation of Individuals Fighting Impossibilities, Inc., brought a wealth of information regarding the organization we are sponsoring for our community projects.  Other essential dynamic information was revealed:

  • Business titles
  • Names of other charitable organizations to assist with various programs
  • Contact information for a free class
  • Sharing business expertise
  • Answers to problems
  • And more

Attendees received a handout of employment opportunities and information regarding a job fair. 

One woman shared, “I set a goal to start networking more.  Attending the event tonight is one of my goals.”

With the audience’s assistance, Esther wrote a list of people who are already in our network. Some network connections include: coworkers, family, friends, churches, doctor’s offices, schoolmates, acquaintances, and organizations. 

Women continued to network as the event came to an end.

September 14, 2006

Networking, Networking, and More Networking – Kick-Off Event to Re-Launch the Organization

Everyone was excited about GWWN being back in full operation.  The New Executive Board and Governing Board members were a part of this new beginning.  GWWN has received feedback from many members and guests that it was time to take the organization to the next level.


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