Program Year: 2006-2007
- A first for GWWN and a major undertaking was the establishment of Paypal on line payment system for prepayment for the monthly events, membership fees and other financial needs
- Appointed a board of four women, Cheryl Blount, Shawn Gilleylen, Jenifer Golson and Frances Simpson to assist with re-launching the organization, two of which accepted the Executive Board positions – Jenifer Golson, Treasurer and Cheryl Blount, Director of Membership
- Our technology communication problem was resolved by Tiffany Brooks, who served as our Web Manager. She was instrumental in the organization re-launching 2006-2007 and provided the connections for her successor. She is credited for designing an attractive announcement for the 2006-2007 program year used for the GwweNet announcement and the web site. In addition to publishing announcement information on our web sites, she published our monthly events on other web sites as well
- Developed and implemented the management by objectives program initiatives to achieve yearly goals. This document was a blueprint for the organization. It was disseminated to members and stakeholders
- Re-launched the organization in August 2006 with the goal of rebuilding the organization with a group of diversified professional business and career women, who would be committed to serving others while achieving their own personal goals
- Conducted a needs assessment/program evaluation survey and utilized the information to plan activities for the program calendar year
- Professional qualified pro bono speakers were recruited, addressing topics outlined in the survey results. Our deadline to complete the program calendar by October 30, 2006 was achieved
- Increased membership as the result of the on line payment system. The first responder received a door prize. Our “no shows” statistics dropped
- Our goal to locate a meeting site before the first event in September 2006 was achieved. We were successful in returning to Robert Half International Inc., and OfficeTeam
- Our next goal was to recruit a caterer to accommodate our moderate monthly event fees. Chef Susan, was delighted to accommodate us. She is an excellent professional, educated and concerned chef. She completed culinary training and was teaching various classes. However, due to the expansion of her business, she served us until January, 2007. She recommended several caterers; however, the one who stood out on top was Creative Touch by Rhonda Lockette, Inc.,, who has a passion for desserts.
- Improved the membership initiative by creating and disseminating monthly event summaries, announcing business opportunities and resources, sharing achievements with others at the events and on the program agenda
- Promoted and strengthened educational program, training and employment opportunities via the GWWeNet, program agenda and word-of-mouth. Employment and intern opportunities were shared and training and seminars offered by our members. The Executive Board participated in NAFE teleconference seminars
- Strengthened partnership with the Women Business Center. This was a great resource for women seeking information about launching a business as well as business enhancement
- Community Service
- For our community service initiative GWWN and members provided services and financial assistance to two organizations we sponsored. 1. Suited for Change – a professional afire clothes drive. The presentation was December 14, 2006 and a monetary gift was imparted. 2. United Nation of Individuals Fighting Impossibilities, INC., UNIFI – a monetary gift. The participants at our May networking event graciously gave, GWWN matched the funds, and a check was administered to UNIFI by the end of May
- With the assistance of members and guests, we proudly completed two community services projects that were not a part of our initial goals. Thus, proving that GWWN is a small organization with a big heart! These projects were achieved by GWWN’s Executive Board executing a joint effort with members to donate small monetary contributions to organizations committed to assisting young women and youth. One recipient was St. Ann’s Infant and Maternity Home through St. Gabriel Sodality, in Washington, DC. This organization helps to provide assistance to mothers-to-be, mothers, and infants. The other recipient was The Ebony Suburbanites for The Annual Debutante Cotillion on behalf of Kayla Ogletree, for being an outstanding student and selected for the debutante
- For our community service initiative GWWN and members provided services and financial assistance to two organizations we sponsored. 1. Suited for Change – a professional afire clothes drive. The presentation was December 14, 2006 and a monetary gift was imparted. 2. United Nation of Individuals Fighting Impossibilities, INC., UNIFI – a monetary gift. The participants at our May networking event graciously gave, GWWN matched the funds, and a check was administered to UNIFI by the end of May
- Professional qualified pro bono speakers were recruited addressing topic outline in the survey results. Our deadline to complete the program calendar by October 30, 2006 was achieved
- Our goal to locate a meeting site before the first event in September 2006 was achieved. We are successful in returning to Robert Half International Inc., and OfficeTeam
- Our next goal was to recruit a caterer to accommodate our moderate monthly event fees. ChefSusan, was delighted to accommodate us. She is an excellent professional, educated and concerned chef. She completed cultunary training and was teaching various classes. However, due to the expansion of her business, she served us until January, 2007. She recommended several caterers; however, the one who stood out on top was Creative Touch by Rhonda Lockette, Inc., contact information: email address:, who has a passion for desserts.
- Some efforts were made to solicit sponsors for financial assistance although our staff was limited. Most of our financial support, outside of the membership fees, was from members, friends, family, and the Executive Board
- Invaluable services to us have been from our sponsors: Robert Half International Inc; Office Team; Creative Network, and Elegance with Flair. Without these companies, we would not have achieved a successful program year.
- A new approach to GWWN’s election process was to combine it with the last networking event. This was achieved by disseminating elections requirements, procedures and nominees via the GWWeNet. Each candidate made a presentation and members voted directly after the event.
- An annual report was created from the management by objectives program initiatives. It highlights and authenticates GWWN achievements and lessons learned during the program year. This document is also used as a marketing tool for the organization.
Members Achievements
Cheryl Butler launched her official business name Scholarsteps
Shawn Gilleylen founder of Administrative Support Services, launched the Success with Etiquette Institute
Sherreen Ogletree received certification for the SBA 8 (a)/SBD
Frances Simpson reached a long life goal by moving into a new employment arena

Site designed & created by Judith Desplechin