The Booster Incentive Awards Program is a component of the Leadership Achievement Awards Program. Women are recognized for matchless success with prizes for great achievement. The different categories include Scout, Recruiter, Queen Bee, Banker and Social Bird. The descriptions are given below:
- Scout - GWWN member who brings the most guests to monthly events
- Recruiter - The highest recruiter for membership during the program year.
- Queen Bee - GWWN member who completes the most volunteer service hours enhancing the program initiatives.
- Banker - GWWN member who raises the most money through fundraising projects.
- Social Bird - GWWN member who attends all of the monthly meetings.
- Deadline: TBD
- Finalists: Judges will determine the awards. The awards package will be submitted to the GWWN Executive Board for ultimate approval.
- Recognition
- Presentation: Winners are recognized at the Leadership Achievement Awards Program on TBD.

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